FMX Tips & Information

Published on April 13, 2022 in Office of Facilities

In order for an event to be successful and to allow our custodial staff to provide set-up assistance, we are asking for at least 5 days of notice, or we may deny the event.

When submitting a recurring Schedule Request- please note that under *Repeats that “Daily” includes Saturday and Sunday. Consider using “Weekly” and select the days to repeat.

Also, please note on recurring Schedule Requests if there is a conflict, FMX will not reserve the Resource or approve those dates. You will need to submit a new request for those dates after the conflict has been resolved if agreeing to share a space.

A reminder that you can navigate to the Knowledge Base on the district intranet to view new user login instructions and other information.

See Schedule Frequency attachment for more information.

The Office of Facilities appreciates your usage of FMX to submit Maintenance Requests and Schedule Requests.  We also rely on your feedback from the surveys, to ensure we are serving your needs, so please give us your input.

If you need any training or have questions on how to submit requests, please contact Rachel Manion via email or ext. 81522.

If you have questions regarding a follow-up of a Maintenance Request, please contact Dave Hughes via email or ext. 81505.