Spending Guidelines: MOVING TO YELLOW PHASE

Published on June 11, 2020 in Office of Business and Operations

As of June 5, Lancaster County moved to the Governor’s Yellow Category. This means the School District of Lancaster is moving to the Yellow phase for our spending guidelines. This shift is effective Wednesday, June 24, 2020. We have revised the guidelines to provide more flexibility in spending as we have entered the Yellow phase earlier than anticipated. Please note the “bold” items in the Yellow and Orange phases that have been modified from the original published guidelines.

The only exception to our phased guidelines is the release of budgets. The approval of the 2020-2021 Final Budget is an agenda item for the Regular Board meeting of Tuesday, June 23, 2020. When that occurs, we will send the allocations in accordance with the guideline levels.

As a reminder, our plans are focused on the following guiding principles:

  1. Adhering to the Governor’s reopening orders and guidelines
  2. Providing instruction and support to our students, staff and families during our phased reopening plans (this school year, summer and next school year)
  3. Mitigating the financial impact on 2020-2021 for the District budget during a significant economic downturn