Visitor Log & Protocol

Published on September 3, 2020 in Office of Business and Operations

We have implemented a Visitor Close Contact & Symptom Monitoring Protocol.

A tile has been added to the Intranet homepage. The tile directs to a form to be completed by the main office/reception staff for each visitor.

District staff who visit buildings that are not their assigned worksite (e.g. Facilities staff fulfilling work orders, Technology staff responding to helpdesk tickets, Central Office staff, etc.) should complete the form directly on the Intranet prior to visiting the building. In this case, these staff members must still check-in with the main office/reception staff and verbally verify that they have completed the form for that day’s visit. There is the opportunity to select multiple buildings for one date, so that traveling district staff only complete one (1) form per day.

Wearing a mask and standing at least six (6) feet away from the staff member handling the check-in allows this process to take place in the main office/reception area, rather than before entry to the building. If the visitor or staff member reports “yes” to either screening question, he or she will be denied entry.

Training was provided to Class 1 and Class 2 secretaries on Thursday, August 27. Additional resources are below:

Visitor Close Contact & Symptom Monitoring Protocol

Link to Visitor Log

Recording of Visitor Log Training

Visitor Close Contact & Symptom Monitoring Protocol FAQs

As we identify and research unique situations, we will continue to add to the FAQs. Please contact Joe Gabryluk, Coordinator of School & Community Safety via email or at 717-735-7940 with questions or concerns.